Happy Mother’s Day Love Always & Forever!

Happy Mother’s Day. I miss you Mama. Love Always & Forever.
My mother and father. My father’s brother and my mama’s sister who were my 2nd parents. I love you, miss you, always and forever. Happy Mother’s Day.
I don’t think you ever stop missing your parents, no matter how much time passes. I was her only child so I did get a lot of her attention and it made us close. I always thought, even as a child, if she died I would die. I was pretty angry when that didn’t happen but that was years ago. I was a teenager in high school.
I miss the fun-loving family of my youth. I miss the laughter. There was so much laughter in my home growing up. Lots of love too.
I miss that sense of family security knowing there was someone who would always fight for you, encourage, support and move the wind so you could soar if it was necessary.
I miss being loved and appreciated for the person I am, the encouragement and knowing someone besides myself believes in me and my choices. I miss the caring of daily living. I miss knowing there is someone in this world who ALWAYS had my back right, wrong (as long as brought no harm to others) life or death. I was never truly alone in this life
Guess I’m still not alone their core teachings and values live in my heart and mind.
I miss their laughter. I miss the humor that was my dad. There was no fish small enough that he would not eat. He loved to fish and eat them. He was scared of snakes, even rubber ones. He was good-natured and a great sport. He was strong. I loved his big hands they made me feel safe. I don’t think of mama without thinking of him too.
My mother always had a smile. She laughed all the time. She saw the humor and fun in everything. She likes to go on long drives to anywhere, just because. We didn’t have to have a destination. It was an adventure to find beauty and neat things to see and do. She was not afraid of getting lost. She said we can always find our way home.
God, how I wish I could find my way home. One day… One day I will go home. Home is the people, not the dwelling. I miss that. Miss the dwelling too as my childhood home was demolished years ago.
My mother was a bright light in this world and those that knew her loved her. I don’t think I EVER heard a bad word said about her. She seldom said a negative word about anyone even when there was a lot to say. She could be feisty and she was no fool. She loved life. She loved people and she saw only the good and the potential. Loving and forgiving to a fault.
God, I miss you, mama. Love you, always and forever. Your loving daughter. Happy Mother’s Day.

You were blessed with something may people never have — two parents who loved you and delighted in life. I’m sorry you lost them so young. I can’t even imagine. I’m blessed to have both my parents still with me, and I appreciate that more with each passing day.
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Lovely and poignant