Week 11 Embrace The Yoda Moment
~Og Mandino
It is funny this last week was a shaky week for me with lots of chaos, confusion, and deflating moments in life. In truth, most of the weeks so far have had their challenges.
I started the Mental Diet over again more than once. My faith was shaken and my trust tested. Nothing is simple or guaranteed, which brought about a Yoda moment, “Do or Do Not, There is No Try!”
I can doubt and let worry seep in (my old blueprint) or I can have faith that all will work out. Trust the Universe and truly, also trust my heart! My mind and heart sometimes war for lack of trust due to past consequence. (Change my mind/my viewpoint that is based on old beliefs, teachings and ways of thinking)
It is time to reconnect and embrace my PollyAnna again, because in childhood that was my true nature but with wisdom and new techniques learned.
PollyAnna is the way I approach life by default and continued through adulthood. I took life and people at face value believing that if my intent was good then so was theirs. It is what I expected to see, and oft times not realistically because moderation and caution were not employed as well, to create balance. Although PollyAnna embodies positive aspects, it is still the old blueprint that did not practice moderation in all things. I was just as likely to receive a negative result as a positive.
Deep breathe. Just breath. Release………….. “I am in the flow”
“I am one with the universal life energy and it is flowing through me now. I feel it.” ~Eugene Fersen
“It is well, however, to remember that while every effect is the result of a cause, the effect in turn becomes a cause, which creates other effects, which in turn create still other causes; so that when you put the law of attraction into operation you must remember that you are starting a train of causation for good or otherwise which may have endless possibilities.” ~MKE PART 11 intro Haanel
Today I got through an entire day without a negative thought. Nice feeling.
I decided to start a Bullet Journal to help with practical and actionable steps that will assist in the manifestation of my DMP. It will have my schedule and plans. I will have a collection of positive words and positive emotion words and positive action words, plus quotes.
<–You can use any notebook. I am using a book size sketchbook as my bullet journal. I also plan to use the shapes and colors in my journal to make it more MKE receptive. (You can see my manifest board/movie poster in the background. This is the room I work from since I rent a room in someone else’s home. My small laptop desk and chair are behind the camera.)
Even though I keep my actionable schedule in my phone (because it’s ALWAYS with me), I started keeping a paper scheduler and a bullet journal earlier this year. There’s something rewarding about the physical act of writing something down. Big picture to day-to-day execution that is lost in simply entering data into a device. It also makes planning more fulfilling.
What app do you use in your phone? I have not found one except calendar which I do not use regularly. Like my bullet journal since I found the system.
I use iCal. I also use Things (a kind of combined project management system/to do list). I think Remember the Milk is similar and available on Android as well as IOS.
The paper planner I use is by Tools4Wisdom (find it either on Amazon or Tools4Wisdom.com). I’m amazed that this planner, with its big picture Goal/Mindmap; “where am I now, where do I want to be, how do I get there” chart; and monthly, weekly, and daily focus to achieve those goals aligns excellently with what we learn in this course.
Jean recently posted…Tech Stuff: Apple in Decline?
Thank your suggestion for android app led me to a really cool one called Anydo and syncs with calendar. Love it.
Juneta recently posted…Week 13 I received the golden Budda for Christmas.
man I like that journal, thanks for that. And all the “bullet” reminders of the kool tools for my mind.
You are welcome. I really like my bullet journal.