Week 18-a Awareness, Attention And Practice
Is what you believe about yourself the harness that holds you back or the empowering magic that sets you free?
Limiting Beliefs Are A Prison. Break free and embrace the power that is you. Create the reality you want to live by tearing down the walls of beliefs you have accepted about yourself without even realizing what you are doing because perception is everything. Perception put to action is our reality. Cause and effect. Change your cause by changing your mind.
The example of the baby elephant in the book below was very powerful for me.
A book of practical principals that change and shape your life if you decide to take away the rope of limiting beliefs.
The Magic Of Changing Your Thinking! (Full Book) ~ Law Of Attraction
~Hannel 18: 29,30,31
29. Power depends upon consciousness of power; unless we use it, we shall lose it, and unless we are conscious of it, we cannot use it.
30. The use of this power depends upon attention; the degree of attention determines our capacity for the acquirement of knowledge which is another name for power.
31. Attention has been held to be the distinguishing mark of genius. The cultivation of attention depends upon practice.
As A Man Thinketh-James Allen-Full Audio Book read out loud on YouTube.
Powerful first sentence indeed! Very thought provoking! THank you!
Wow. Your first statement is so powerful. It’s a different way of looking at “If you think you can do a thing or you think you can’t, you are right.”
“empowering magic that sets you free.” Inspiring.
I want for parents to understand the power they have to shape their children’s lives, but no matter what shaping happened early in our lives, we humans have the power to overcome and rewrite our blueprints. Before we do it, we think it’s hard work, but in reality, in so many ways, it’s easy when we use the tools to learn new habits.
Jean recently posted…Week 2-18 – Is This Your Last Day?
Thank you. 🙂 When you get in the habit of a thing, some things feel almost magic. Rewrite the blueprint, lol, a secret that isn’t a secret. I like what you just said too.
Juneta recently posted…Week 19 We’re All On A Mythological Journey
A simple Universal Truth. Well said my Priceless Friend!
Thanks for the inspiration!
Thank you
Juneta recently posted…Week 18-a Awareness, Attention And Practice
Thank you my friend
Juneta recently posted…Week 18-a Awareness, Attention And Practice